In this video, we’ll help you choose the right tax filing service for your own circumstances.
Here at Expat Tax Thailand, we handle the paperwork, calculate your taxes, and ensure everything is filed correctly and accurately, so you don’t have to worry.
We’ve got three levels of tax filing service, each tailored for different circumstances, and I’ll go through each one now so you can choose which one suits your needs.
The Essential Tax Filing Service is ideal for straightforward situations with a single source of income or for those with a filing obligation but no tax to pay. It’s perfect for retirees on a low income who still have to file a tax return. It’s our most cost-effective filing option at 8,000 baht per year. This service ensures full compliance and guarantees all of your available allowances and deductions. It also removes the stress of having to file your taxes yourself.
For more complex situations, our Assisted Tax Filing Service is probably more suitable. If you’ve got multiple income sources or need to claim tax credits on pensions or investments where you’ve paid tax elsewhere and brought the money into Thailand, this service is ideal. The Assisted Tax Filing Service ensures that all applicable tax credits, deductions, and allowances are applied, maintaining full compliance. This service is priced at 14,000 baht per year. Your return will be checked by a senior Thai accountant to ensure accuracy and compliance. All of our accountants are authorised and regulated by the Federation of Accounting Professions.
Our most comprehensive service is the Expert Tax Filing Service. It’s designed for those who need a fully personalised tax solution. This service is perfect for individuals with multiple income sources, complex situations, or those who want help from start to finish. It includes one-on-one consultations and a dedicated accountant to handle all your income and paperwork. All you need to do is send us your statements and accounts, and we’ll take care of the rest. This service is priced at 26,000 baht.
I hope this video has helped you identify which tax filing service is right for your circumstances. If it has, please select the “I’ve identified the right service for me” button, and we’ll guide you through the next steps. If you’re still unsure, click the “Unsure” button, and we’ll help you find the right service for you.
Video Transcript
Hi, I’m Carl Turner, the Co-Founder of Expat Tax Thailand.
In this video, I’ll explain in just two minutes whether you need to file a
Thai tax return or not. By the end, you’ll know whether you need to file a
tax return, or you don’t need to worry.
Who doesn’t need to file a tax return?
Excluded income sources include:
When do you need to file a tax return?
For example, if you’re bringing in income such as:
You need to file a Thai tax return—unless it’s excluded.
If you’ve already paid tax on these assets or income sources, you may be
able to claim tax credits depending on the double taxation agreement, but
you still need to file unless the income is excluded, such as Social
Minimum Thresholds
The thresholds are quite low:
If you’re bringing in more than these amounts, you must file a Thai tax
return, regardless of whether you owe tax or not.
Next Steps
If you do need to file a tax return, click the Yes button,
and we’ll talk through your filing options.
If you don’t need to file, click No.
If you’re unsure, click the Unsure button, and we’ll
provide more guidance.
Thanks for watching—hope that’s useful. If you have any questions, feel
free to get in touch.
Video Transcript
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Maecenas id diam id est tempor ultrices sit amet non justo. Duis gravida sem quis dui blandit hendrerit. Nunc tristique velit vitae porttitor consectetur. Quisque pellentesque id lorem quis aliquam. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Suspendisse varius tincidunt sem, ut semper risus interdum sit amet. Mauris sed iaculis nulla. Aenean at ex non ligula convallis euismod. Nunc sollicitudin risus sed nulla posuere varius.
Praesent non condimentum sapien. Maecenas non dolor ut ligula facilisis tincidunt. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus euismod, velit quis scelerisque tincidunt, turpis est molestie orci, eu commodo lectus velit vel turpis. Vestibulum aliquam, magna sed tristique blandit, risus sapien fringilla dui, a malesuada nibh libero ac mi. In rhoncus consectetur nisl et pretium. Donec eleifend tortor sollicitudin mattis sollicitudin. Proin fringilla lorem nisi, commodo maximus justo maximus quis. Cras hendrerit molestie scelerisque.
Please fill out this form and ask your question. We will get back to you as soon as possible, usually within a day or two. We use your details to send you tax alerts, other information and updates on our services. We do not pass information to third parties.